Membership Renewals & C.P.E.

Dear Members,

I hope everyone had a wonderful  holiday filled with family, friends and lots of laughter.  I hope you took some time away from our busy work schedules and enjoyed some quiet time doing the things you love.

Membership Renewals are due January 1, 2023 please forward $180.00 to This is the preferred way of payment.

If you don’t have e-transfer set up you may send a cheque payable to: FCEA Ontario Chapter.   Please mail it to Helen Janssen, 551 Huron Dr. Burlington, ON L7T 3V4.

We will be running the C.P.E. exam on May 28th 2023. For those who are interested in completing please send an email to reserve your spot. The designations and initials C.P.E. (Certified Professional Electrologist) have been awarded by Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada, Registrar of Trademarks, as well as Copyright, and can be used and recognized across Canada. The use of the designation and initials C.P.E. may be awarded in Canada only by the FCEA. The C.P.E. theoretical examination component consists of 100 multiple-choice questions covering all subjects pertaining to the field of electrolysis

The FCEA Executive would like to put together a list of members who are interested in being mentors for new electrologist coming into the association that may need some guidance. These mentors would be Electrologist who are willing to help new electrologist by answering questions, and providing a safe place for them to reach out to.

This is the link to our private Facebook group if you haven’t joined please do so.

The executive has been working towards some new social media concepts and appreciate all your support.

Once again I want to wish you all the best in the upcoming New Year.

Kindest Regards,

Brookes Brown & FCEA Ontario Chapter Executive

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