Dear members,
It’s that time of year when we are planning for our next AGM. Please accept this letter as your official notice of our next meeting. It will be held in St. Catharine’s Ontario this year and the date is September 18, 2022. Our meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn located at 327 Ontario St. in St. Catharines Ontario.
The agenda will be done closer to our meeting with more information to come. Saturday, September 17 we will enjoy dinner and entertainment, I will advise at a later date the cost for the dinner and entertainment. Please feel free to come out and join our National Board Directors and help us celebrate our 40 year anniversary.
Our Ontario Chapter meeting will be from 9 AM until approximately 4 PM on Sunday, September 18 registration will start at 8:30 AM. The cost for Sunday will be $40.00 per member and $65.00 for guests, this will include your continental breakfast and a buffet lunch. Please advise us of any dietary restrictions. We are securing our guest speakers and we have put together a block of rooms for anybody interested in coming out the night before or staying on after our meeting, please use the information below to book your room.
Please make your reservation directly…
Here is the online booking link for your group: Federation of Canadian Electrolysis
Or you can go to and enter FCE as the group code
If you receive a group code error, it should clear up once the correct arrival and departure dates have been entered.
Reservations using the link must be made by Tuesday August 16, 2022. Any reservations made after the cutoff date will be subject to availability and the prevailing rate.
If guests wish to book room types other than those listed under the group block, or wish to arrive early, or extend their stay, I recommend they call the hotel directly 1-877-688-2324 ext 2 to make their reservations.
(Please note that there are different rates for different days)
All the Best,
Ontario Chapter Executive